As Kivi Automation, we offer innovative, holistic solutions for your needs with our solution partners in process, machinery, building automation and energy monitoring.
What is Industrial Automation?
The distribution of work between people and machines in a factory or industrial workplace. If we expand this definition a little more, mechanical, mathematical, computer and electronic elements, which are the basic components of industrial work areas, are created within a task distribution determined between machines and people, and as a result, an efficient working environment is created.
What are the Objectives of Industrial Automation?
The main purpose of industrial automation is to minimize the manpower that will be spent in the production phase. In addition, it is also aimed to reduce human errors and maximize product efficiency. As a result of these, the human needs in the working environment are eliminated and the production speed is increased.
Usage Areas of Industrial Automation
If we give an example of the usage areas of industrial automation; It is possible to show examples of manufacturing industry, vehicle industry, health applications, scientific studies, ATMs, health devices, white goods and workplace equipment. Considering that technology develops very rapidly as a result of increasing access to information, it is possible to say that more technological working environment will be created in the future and as a result, industrial automation will be more integrated into human life.